Monday, December 23, 2013

Pre-Christmas Ramblings

Praise God for a very Merry Christmas vacation here in the very laid-back province of Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro! I've already caught up with the sleep I missed the past week and I'm very much looking forward to our family reunion on the 25th...yey!      

So before I get busy again, allow me to say thank you Lord for this privilege to be with my dear loved ones this season. Since I've embraced being a nurse in a hospital, I have already prepared myself but remained hopeful that while some important dates have to be sacrificed, some wishes/requests will be granted, and it will all happen according to God's will. But thank you Lord that you have overwhelmingly honored my desire to be with family this year:)

I am beginning to have thoughts of greater wishes...and I'm a bit afraid, but as I hold on to the hope that I have in you, I know that you'll take care of everything- because you always have perfect timing,    and you always will what's best for me!

Thank you and I love you Jesus! Happy birthday!    

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Research x 1

Praise God!

Today, December 11, 2013, is a special day as it marks my first try as a legit 'researcher'...haha..I joined the Annual Research Forum in our hospital and the entire process- from having the proposal approved, doing the data gathering, to submitting the paper and waiting for the results, was quite a stress, and if not for God's peace that transcends all understanding, ewan ko na lang. Now that I think about it, this is probably one of the reasons why I missed my period last November, and now that the forum's done, I'm praying that I could get back to my regular cycle again.

But back to the forum, I'm very very happy because I won! I joined the Prospective category and out of 7 papers, I was 2nd place! Yey! But it isn't all me because I got a lot of help....on second thought, it's entirely not me, it's all God, who gave me the strength, the passion, the wisdom, the perseverance and many other things I didn't have, plus the big bonus of having a bunch of people who lent a hand in the different phases of this tedious journey.

All I can say is, research is not for the weak-hearted. Most things are difficult to begin or end, but this one's difficult all throughout. But it's also a very rewarding experience, and I'm actually looking forward to doing it again soon, while looking for ways on how I could share the results of my study to other nurses or healthcare institutions as well.

But the reason I'm recording it here now is to remind myself and to let others know that throughout this entire journey, God has been very good to me, and I could no longer keep count of how many times I talked to Him, to Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help me deal with the raging thoughts and feelings inside me. This annual forum and my research has been on our list of prayer items for months now, not just in our weekly family prayer but also in my two cell groups so quota talaga kami sa pray unceasingly...haha.

I also had a lot of challenges but God has proven himself greater than any of them. There were weeks when I felt that he was teasing me, when I would be scheduled to lead worship in church before my big deadlines. I also admit that I was afraid when I learned that there were 7 of us who submitted papers under the prospective category knowing that they were all doctors and I was the only nurse. But I was comforted by the belief that God is great, and the more contenders, the more opportunity for Him to be glorified if I win.

But in all those times that I prayed or asked people to pray, I always told God that while I would probably be a bit sad, I wouldn't love him any less if he did not give me what I wanted because I know that His will is best. Pero buti na lang my desires are in line with his will, and although I admit and am sorry that I still worried a lot (being the melancholic that I am), I now realize that with the obstacles came opportunities for God to display his power...and once I tell this news as a testimony, he will be glorified even more because a lot of people prayed with me, so it's a collectively answered prayer for all of us!:)

Another amazing thing that happened this morning by the way was I was able to deliver the presentation excellently. Knowing myself, that is indeed the power of the Holy Spirit working in me. Not once did I buckle, and I was also able to answer all the questions from the judges. As I was speaking, even I was amazed at how God gives wisdom, speaking abilities, and many other usually-not-present-traits, to those who would earnestly ask. I think faster than I speak or write, and even as I type right now, the words in my head have the tendency to jumble such that I mix up the sequence of the statements, with my most recent thought overtaking what I was preparing to write.So what happened this morning, it was a miracle, and I really am in awe.

What I feel right now is depicted in the lines of the song The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe which says:

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It's overwhelming

You are amazing God! Thank you for never giving up on healing my worrisome heart and for patiently dealing with my flaws so that each day, I could become more and more like your faithful daughter. Thank you for always pushing my fears away with your love, and for assuring me with your multitude of promises and your wonderful surprises/miracles each day! I love you!

P.S. I hope to update this post soon and add some pictures once I've grabbed them from Maam Claud!