Loooooong time no see! I've been meaning to get my hands typing again for quite sometime now but it's only now that I got to carry out my plan. In the past months, there were a lot of events I would have wanted to blog about, but time and priorities just won't permit me. So praise God for this opportunity to be able to 'write' again. I had to use ' ' to differentiate it from the formal and more technical writing I do almost everyday...hehe. This one's the less pressured, more personal form of writing that I miss doing :)
So after that long break, allow me to give updates first...
- We're doing great in our new house and I praise God everyday for this wonderful blessing of a home we can call our own. I've had the privilege of letting a friend stay for the night, which meant going beyond our comfort zone, being the introverts that we are. But when we were asking for this house, we prayed that God would grant us the opportunity to welcome people and lead them closer to Him so this is our way of giving back, knowing that we have been blessed to be a blessing :)
- We have just been emancipated from a financial crisis..haha..it really wasn't a crisis by others' standards but acquiring the house depleted our savings so when Ate's salary was delayed for more than a month, it was very difficult for us to manage our income. But thank you Lord for coming through for us and for being our great provider, helping us and leading us to the right people. It taught us a lot of things, and I believe, also strengthened our relationship as siblings (with the frequent family meetings and unceasing prayers..hehe). I hope we came out of it as better stewards of the resources You have given us.
- I'm back to school as a Thomasian...yehey! That's my superego cheering my ego and my id..hehe..but seriously, graduate school is no joke. It's not that difficult in itself, but it's different when I have to juggle it with work. PROOF: Sleeping in the public utility vehicle (jeep/bus/fx) is starting to become normal for me and I'm frequently in danger of going past my destination, which already happened more than twice. It's also a novel yet challenging experience to put oneself to school and pay for everything..haha. It made me appreciate how fortunate I was then when I did not have to be concerned with my tuition fee or allowance because my angels (Ate Via, Ate May, and Ate Jane) took care of everything. People at the office have high expectations- that I would also graduate with Latin honors. But I don't want to mind them because I only end up irritated (I am beginning to feel irritated so I'll end it there). But I'll do my best and really study well to make the most out of the experience, and ultimately, to bring glory to my Father in heaven.
- We have a new member in the cell group- Nona! And I praise God for her and for the opportunity to minister to her and learn from her as we journey together in the Lord. I also praise God for our new Senior Pastor and Youth Pastor and I'm just excited to see and be part of God's work through Fairview Christian Fellowship. The chances that I have readers are slim, but if you (yes you!) happen to come across this post and you are a resident of Fairview, Quezon City or knows someone around the area, consider this as my invitation for you, your family and friends to attend our Church and know more of God's saving love and grace with us :)
This post would be too long to contain all my updates so now I'll proceed to the ultimate update and reason behind this post. As my title would hint, I turned 25 last August 5th! It was an ordinary day turned special with all the warm greetings and gifts I received from people at the office, friends, loved ones, and acquaintances across the globe. I'm currently at that point when I feel both young and old and I'm happy to be both- young and energetic to be able to do a lot of things, and older and a bit wiser to face life's challenges and be a greater blessing to others. I just came from a meeting with Nona and Jam for a catch-up cell group gathering/birthday treat where they surprised me with a cake. They also surprised me with a cake at the office and I truly felt appreciated. Also, last Thursday, Ate Angel, Micah and I were finally able to go out for a late birthday dinner. These little celebrations mean a lot to me as they remind me that I did not waste the past 25 years of my life serving myself only, but doing my best to make an impact in the lives of others who are important to me.
my surprise birthday cake from my Nursing Services Office family! |
At 25, I am foremost a daughter of God. And it is from this realization and mission that I am able to play the roles of daughter to Papa, sister to my siblings, a worship leader, a nurse/researcher, a student/classmate, a cell group leader and member, a kingdom worker, a family member, a friend, and a lot more. I sometimes feel that I have a lot of things on my plate but as I reflect on it, I know that the little time I have is from God, and I want to spend it meaningfully and intentionally in creating an impact in the lives of others; so that they would also know Christ through me and experience how amazing it is to live with Him and for Him. It's a difficult role to take and I am not always successful; but I keep on trying, knowing that God sees and appreciates my little efforts.
So I say thank you Lord for the privilege of knowing and serving you, and for giving meaning and purpose to my life. I still do not know what the future holds, but I'm enjoying every season, trusting that you have a wonderful plan for me. I have no idea how long my journey here on earth would be, but I am content and assured in knowing that I have you to welcome me at the end. Lead me as I go on with this journey, hopeful that at the very end, I will give you my sweetest smile, and you will smile back at me, pleased and glad because I have been a good and faithful servant :)
I love you, I live for you, and I pray that I would remain in you until the very end:)
Your striving to be a good and faithful servant,