One of the things I hope to do this 2015 is to write (whether here or on my trusted journal) at least once a week about how God has been good to me, the things He taught me or revealed to me, how I've been, the things I went through and related stuff. It was a commitment I made during the camp I attended before 2014 ended, but which was also a bit of a compromise because no matter how much I appreciate the beauty of writing down my thoughts especially conversations with God and amazing milestones, I can't seem to bring myself to do it daily. If it still isn't obvious, I'm an introvert writer (if there's such a thing) which means, I am not too comfortable sharing my notes to others. Part of it include days (okay, most days) when I just want to keep my thoughts to myself without any desire to write it, only to regret later on that I didn't keep a record of it. Besides, I know I can blame it on the introversion all I want but it would still boil down to my I realistically aimed at writing once a week...and so far so good! Yey!
Today is the first day of the long weekend (January 15-19) to give way to the Papal Visit. I am not Catholic but I like the example Pope Francis is showing Christians- on living a life of love, mercy, and compassion. And just like what Pope Francis has been pointing at, I hope all the people who admire him will know more of Jesus because of his example. May they go beyond seeing Pope Francis as he is, to seeing who is behind what he has become, the amazing God who transforms lives for His glory.
We're also on our 5th day of prayer and fasting in our church and I admit that I am not as focused and as controlled. I initially committed that I would eat only 1 meal a day but yesterday, at around 10 am, I gave up and ate a bread because I was already beginning to feel irritated with the people who asked help from me. Pressure's high at work these days because of the many requirements we have to accomplish so before committing an even greater sin, I said a prayer and ate one piece of pandesal (with ham and cheese..hehe). After all, I am sure God would not delight in my sacrifice if I harbor ill thoughts against my neighbor because I was hungry; but to be able to have done both - obedience and sacrifice would have been better. Right now and until tomorrow, I committed to a one meal fast and every night, we gather as a family to discuss our daily prayer and fasting devotion. This is a first for us because we usually pray and fast individually, but doing it with family certainly makes the hunger easier to bear. Our daily devotion focuses on the armour of God; and God has been revealing to me the devil's strongholds in my life that need to be destroyed, as well as its attacks I need to be guarded from. But more than being guilty, I long to be liberated from all of Satan's lies. I know I am a work in progress but I've been failing more lately. Thankfully, I have a God who never fails and never gives up on me and in Him I know I am an overcomer. So as I rely not on my own strength, I intend to strengthen God's armour on me by praying and studying His Word more frequently and intentionally.
In relation to that, I recently finished Joyce Meyer's New Day New You devotional in Youversion Bible and certainly gained a lot of revelations and tips on how I could work on my emotions. One of my favorite lessons was on letting things drop, trusting God and letting Him work instead of worrying about things that are beyond my control. And even if it's within my control, I'm gonna practice majoring only on the majors and loosening my hold on everything else. It would take discarding a big chunk of my pride, which is a good thing, and just trusting God and offering to Him all my concerns in prayer. Aaaand so far, so good..I think:)
Finally, I'm also on Bible in a Year devotional, still in Youversion Bible, and while I find the readings a lot longer than what I'm used to, the insights I've been getting are most profound and helpful in understanding the Word so even though I'm behind with the lessons, I intend to stick with it and use the long weekend to catch up.
This morning, I particularly took note of what I read on 5 CSs in Which God Guides Us. I found it very insightful and useful that I wrote it on my physical journal and I'm also writing it here again for anyone who might find these nuggets of wisdom useful as well. These were illustrated in Genesis 24:1-67, the story of how Abraham's servant knew that Rebekah was God's chosen wife for Isaac. This does not only apply to choosing a partner though, and can be used when discerning God's guidance for our decisions.
1. Commanding Scripture (v. 3-4)
- God commanded His people to marry only believers in Him.
2. Compelling Spirit (v. 12, 15)
- guided by God, listening to Him and being led by the Holy Spirit as we pray
v.45 'Before I finished praying in my heart, Rebekah came out'
3. Common Sense
- The choice of Rebekah made sense (v. 16) for she was not only beautiful, but also generous, gracious and kind (v.19).
4. Counsel of the Saints
- Godly advice; Rebekah and Isaac chose (v. 57, 67) following the counsel of the saints especially their parents who recognized that this is from the Lord (v. 50)
5. Circumstantial Signs (v. 12-26)
- The servant asked for signs and got exactly what he asked for. The signs he asked were not random but a test of character of Rebekah, which she fulfilled.
From Bible in One Year, Commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, Youversion Bible
On top of my daily devotion, I have a lot of pending readings and reviewers to devour and I am having a difficult time 'starting'. May God grant me the grace, and the momentum to excellently accomplish all my responsibilities and commitments for His glory! I'm feeling sleepy now so there...may I be able to keep this up for the entire year!
Friday, January 16, 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Won't Be Destroyed
...claiming this because my biggest struggle in the past year and up to now is how I get so sad, disappointed and discouraged easily; hence, my volatile emotions..
But with 2015 comes new opportunities and beginnings- to restore my bubbly self by disciplining myself to have faith, to keep on praying, and let go of my negative emotions instead of dwelling on them, which unknowingly leads to nurturing them.
But as what God has revealed to Joyce Meyer, when we get disappointed, we can get reappointed! So super thank you Lord that you do not let me become gloomy, but you lead me to learning ways on how I can get back up and conquer all worries and sadness!
Thank you for keeping me company (been singing Keep Me Company by Walkie Talkies in my head..hehe) and for reminding me each time that your joy is my strength; therefore, in you, I would never be destroyed:)
But with 2015 comes new opportunities and beginnings- to restore my bubbly self by disciplining myself to have faith, to keep on praying, and let go of my negative emotions instead of dwelling on them, which unknowingly leads to nurturing them.
But as what God has revealed to Joyce Meyer, when we get disappointed, we can get reappointed! So super thank you Lord that you do not let me become gloomy, but you lead me to learning ways on how I can get back up and conquer all worries and sadness!
Thank you for keeping me company (been singing Keep Me Company by Walkie Talkies in my head..hehe) and for reminding me each time that your joy is my strength; therefore, in you, I would never be destroyed:)
Friday, January 2, 2015
Well hello there 2015...
Now that you've arrived, I also recognize that the holiday vacation will soon be over before I know it, so before I get caught up in business once again, allow me to whip up my traditional year-end and new year post as my way of concretely looking back and looking forward.
I also recently came from our One Move-One Wave Camp at church where I was a part-time camper, part-time speaker. I spoke about the benefits of consistency (BIG Word), but despite projecting the image of someone who's consistent, I must confess that I've been finding it difficult to start doing the commitments I made in the same camp.
It's just January 1, I know, and I'm probably being too hard on myself; but I intend to start this year right so through this post, I hope to begin fulfilling my goal to journal (physical or virtual) at least once a week on my insights and highlights.
It's just Metro Manila for us this year's holidays and the Paglicawan Annual Family Reunion was a blast as usual. It was held at The Ipil Gardens in Marikina (definitely a nice place for events and reunions) and were hosted by Tito Ed and Tita Helen's brood. It was Alfie's first time to join our reunion and it was stressful both for him and us, but the kids enjoyed having him around and I bet he also enjoyed it too especially the balloons and pingpong balls..hehe! Tita Saline, Kuya Jan, and Ivan also joined us for the first time. They also stayed in the house for about a week and these are some of my observations: (1) My lungs could hardly stand cigarette smoke so I'm very blessed that nobody in our household smokes and I only had to bear with it for a week; and (2) Having a toddler in the house is fun but we're not used to the disorganization and clutter associated with it...the oc-oc in me could not help but be stressed whenever he would step on the carpet with his outdoor slippers on...hehe
Speaking of carpet, a lot has been added to beautify our humble home such as indoor plants, our new dining table, some decorations here and there and a much bigger television. Our home is one of our highlights and one of God's wonderful blessings to our family in 2014 and I'm very grateful (especially in times of storms and strong winds) that we have this shelter to protect us and keep us warm and safe.
Each day, I praise God for another chance at life, for protection, good health and provision, but among my highlights include:
- Promotion to Nurse II (thank you Lord!)
- my stint and unexpected win as Ms. Nursing 1st Runner up (highlight pa rin to..haha)
- HMA win of our Paper Reduction Initiative, God's favor at work through my bosses, and little victories and accomplishments each day
- Consistent song leading at church, and my being part of the Prayer Team, One Wave core
- My cell group with Kat and my own cell group with Jam and Nona
- God's provision for my masteral studies
- and the biggest surprise and promise of the future: Med School in 2016! (I'm claiming it na po Lord:)
And once again, I can't help but be teary-eyed just remembering how faithful you have been then and now. Despite my struggles, you've been have always been there for me, waiting for me to get hold of myself and remember who you are and who I am because of what you have done for me.
So thank you Lord! and as I enter 2015, I confess that I have this little dread not knowing what the future will bring; but I intend to fight it and triumph over it as I hold on to your perfect love that drives out all fears. I can't say with certainty Lord that I've become a better person with my fairly equal amount of hits and misses, but I hope that as I sincerely try, you would continue to help me overcome my emotions and my tendency to worry too much. Help me to rejoice and not be too serious with stuffs..hehe..but teach me to be serious as well on things that really matter.
This 2015, I'm believing You for wonderful surprises yet again, as I prepare myself for what you have set aside for me in 2016:) Your will be done in my life Lord, and may all of me give glory to You now and always!
Now that you've arrived, I also recognize that the holiday vacation will soon be over before I know it, so before I get caught up in business once again, allow me to whip up my traditional year-end and new year post as my way of concretely looking back and looking forward.
I also recently came from our One Move-One Wave Camp at church where I was a part-time camper, part-time speaker. I spoke about the benefits of consistency (BIG Word), but despite projecting the image of someone who's consistent, I must confess that I've been finding it difficult to start doing the commitments I made in the same camp.
It's just January 1, I know, and I'm probably being too hard on myself; but I intend to start this year right so through this post, I hope to begin fulfilling my goal to journal (physical or virtual) at least once a week on my insights and highlights.
It's just Metro Manila for us this year's holidays and the Paglicawan Annual Family Reunion was a blast as usual. It was held at The Ipil Gardens in Marikina (definitely a nice place for events and reunions) and were hosted by Tito Ed and Tita Helen's brood. It was Alfie's first time to join our reunion and it was stressful both for him and us, but the kids enjoyed having him around and I bet he also enjoyed it too especially the balloons and pingpong balls..hehe! Tita Saline, Kuya Jan, and Ivan also joined us for the first time. They also stayed in the house for about a week and these are some of my observations: (1) My lungs could hardly stand cigarette smoke so I'm very blessed that nobody in our household smokes and I only had to bear with it for a week; and (2) Having a toddler in the house is fun but we're not used to the disorganization and clutter associated with it...the oc-oc in me could not help but be stressed whenever he would step on the carpet with his outdoor slippers on...hehe
Speaking of carpet, a lot has been added to beautify our humble home such as indoor plants, our new dining table, some decorations here and there and a much bigger television. Our home is one of our highlights and one of God's wonderful blessings to our family in 2014 and I'm very grateful (especially in times of storms and strong winds) that we have this shelter to protect us and keep us warm and safe.
Each day, I praise God for another chance at life, for protection, good health and provision, but among my highlights include:
- Promotion to Nurse II (thank you Lord!)
- my stint and unexpected win as Ms. Nursing 1st Runner up (highlight pa rin to..haha)
- HMA win of our Paper Reduction Initiative, God's favor at work through my bosses, and little victories and accomplishments each day
- Consistent song leading at church, and my being part of the Prayer Team, One Wave core
- My cell group with Kat and my own cell group with Jam and Nona
- God's provision for my masteral studies
- and the biggest surprise and promise of the future: Med School in 2016! (I'm claiming it na po Lord:)
And once again, I can't help but be teary-eyed just remembering how faithful you have been then and now. Despite my struggles, you've been have always been there for me, waiting for me to get hold of myself and remember who you are and who I am because of what you have done for me.
So thank you Lord! and as I enter 2015, I confess that I have this little dread not knowing what the future will bring; but I intend to fight it and triumph over it as I hold on to your perfect love that drives out all fears. I can't say with certainty Lord that I've become a better person with my fairly equal amount of hits and misses, but I hope that as I sincerely try, you would continue to help me overcome my emotions and my tendency to worry too much. Help me to rejoice and not be too serious with stuffs..hehe..but teach me to be serious as well on things that really matter.
This 2015, I'm believing You for wonderful surprises yet again, as I prepare myself for what you have set aside for me in 2016:) Your will be done in my life Lord, and may all of me give glory to You now and always!
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Happy New Year from Seezums and Alfie! |
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