Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hoping for the Best

It's my off day today, having spent three straight duty days in the hospital...i had planned to do so many things for today until tomorrow, one of which is to post as many entries here as i could, but God seemed to have other plans for me. My uncle who asked for my credentials roughly a month ago sent me a message to go to Manila asap and apply personally for the job i was hoping to get. And since Manila's 7-hour travel from here, i would also take the time to apply in other hospitals where i would want to work. So instead of sleeping, i spent the day preparing my portfolio. We would probably leave tonight according to my father because he still has work to do. Thank God because I could still catch the final episode of Glee season 1 in a little while..

It's actually my very first time to apply for a job. I don't know what they will ask me during the interview but I pray that I would be able to answer them all excellently. Most of all, I pray that I would get the job in the institution that's right and would be beneficial for me, in terms of experiences, my principles, and financial needs as well:), though that's the least of my concerns right now. I've been wanting to truly practice my profession (and be compensated for it) since I graduated last year, to hone my skills and finally gain adequate experience to be able to take a master's degree not just for the sake of having one. Some of my batchmates have enrolled in post-graduate studies immediately after passing the board, having a hard time getting a job, but I prefer to have it while working, so I could have something to share beyond what I've learned in my four years in college.
Someone said that when things do not happen according to what you've planned, it's actually divine intervention working:). I thank God for all these opportunities. I continue to pray for His will to be done in my life and as I put my whole trust in him, I'm sure that greater and better things are yet to come.:)

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