Haaay April, why'd you have to be so full and so fun, yet so fast?! After my winning blogging streak last March, I began to consider myself as an ardent writer, almost...until April came and the days went by as if I was passing through them, to prove me wrong and to disappoint all my hopes and high expectations; now, I'm back to the struggling procrastinating blogger that I truly am...
To myself and to my reader (Ate Angel REPRESENT!!!), I would've wanted to write about the many fun times, turning points, life changing decisions, and breakthroughs I've had for the month, but so much has happened and will happen in the coming days that I can hardly keep up; but I'm not complaining, because I feel so blessed! Thank you Lord! So see you again after the first week of May (*note to self) and may God bless us all in all our endeavors! Someone's treating herself with Frosty very very soon! meow
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Please be careful not to interrupt my sleep:)
Try waking me up when I'm just beginning to sleep and you're in for a big treat- a rare (I've been trying to be good:) opportunity to come face to face with my alter ego- the monster version of me..raar...hahaha
Okay, to be honest with myself, I'm blogging about this because I'm truly, extremely GUILTY. The situation was this: I was tired, it was late-early (around 1-2 am), I had to wake up early the next day, I kept on contacting them the entire afternoon and I waited until late evening for their reply but I didn't get any, and I had just gotten asleep when I had to wake up because of a call- which was not even for something urgent! It could definitely be put off for the next day, with emphasis on DAY. In fairness to me, I remained accommodating and patient until the person I was talking to suggested that she'll call me back again in a while. For some unknown reason, my brain neurons short-circuited upon hearing that and although there was just a very slight change in the tone of my voice, I was able to clearly express that I was irritated and pissed. It was only in broad daylight, after getting my much coveted sleep, that I was able to think things over and reflect on what I did. Maybe they forgot that I was in La Union for vacation, and thought that I was wide awake at work, although that would be really weird because I was supposed to meet them that afternoon. It could also be that they were so busy the entire day they couldn't even take a minute off to send me a text message. Haaay, in my desire to justify how I acted, I end up sounding insincere- am I really guilty?!
Okay, so here's the deal, I am GUILTY because I may cite all the valid reasons in the world for feeling bad, but I will surely fail to identify, even vaguely, one reason that could justify why I had to change the tone of my voice and insist on my suggestion for the sake of ending the conversation. I could've just said "Pwedeng bukas na lang?", but I didn't- I gave in to temptation and allowed my feelings to take over my thoughts...Psalm 4:4 tells us, "In your anger, do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your heart and be silent.", but I did, on my bed (I hope no one takes this 'bed' quoting seriously) aaargh...and even worse, I did it to a friend, a pseudo-boss, a business partner- to a person in front of whom I'm supposed to put my best foot forward. It's definitely much more difficult to exercise prudence and self-control when dealing with family, super close friends, and other people you're most comfortable with- and that's why I flare up more easily with Papa and my sisters.
I believe I'm a morning person. I work on night shifts but I work better at broad daylight, and I'm the type of person who would rather finish everything while I'm still awake, than wake up later to finish work left undone. Actually, sleep is such a strong weakness of mine that I no longer trust myself to overcome it; by that I mean that I could wake up early in the morning to study for a test, or complete a project. For so many times, inilaglag ko ang sarili ko for sleep, which is why I try to exercise intense caution and really evaluate my capability to deal with it and overcome it whenever necessary. And before I lie down and settle on my bed to sleep, make sure that you've said all your requests, asked all your favors, and assigned all the work needed to be done, because if you'd make me do anything that would require me to stand up again, that's already a form of sleep interruption for me, and you already know what could happen...haha
Haaay, my case used to be worse though...I valued sleep so much that I could skip meals for it; and whenever someone wakes me up because I fell asleep on the couch and wants me to transfer to the bedroom, or because they have something to ask from me, even though urgent (for them), I would really give them my crumpled face ALL-OUT. I remember Ate and I fought one time because my sleep was interrupted and she was asking me something but instead of just answering her, which is what I normally do:), I shouted at her (which is also among the things she hates the most). And when Micah had a problem with our printer early in the morning and she had to print a document she's supposed to pass in school that day, she didn't have the guts to wake me up so she had to ask Papa to wake me for her...haha...true enough, I got pissed but of course I still helped her...it may sound like a funny story but the fact that my own sister was afraid to wake me up made me realize that I have some serious 'don't you dare interrupt my sleep' problems. I'm not sure if I can do much about changing the way I feel, but I've been trying to really be cautious with what I say and do even when my emotions are raging inside me. I guess my id's strongest whenever my sleep gets interrupted- but it's supposed to be in those kind of situations, times when I'm weakest, that my character should show, and supposedly-Shine...With that recent fall out, it's now very clear to me that I still have a very looooong way to go...Jesus, help me...I definitely can't do this on my own; but with your grace, I am determined to try and do my best each time, for your glory...
My apologies to all the people who've had first hand experience of my wrath, I hope to do better next time, but please don't tempt me if you can avoid it, it'll save both of us the trouble:) meow
I believe I'm a morning person. I work on night shifts but I work better at broad daylight, and I'm the type of person who would rather finish everything while I'm still awake, than wake up later to finish work left undone. Actually, sleep is such a strong weakness of mine that I no longer trust myself to overcome it; by that I mean that I could wake up early in the morning to study for a test, or complete a project. For so many times, inilaglag ko ang sarili ko for sleep, which is why I try to exercise intense caution and really evaluate my capability to deal with it and overcome it whenever necessary. And before I lie down and settle on my bed to sleep, make sure that you've said all your requests, asked all your favors, and assigned all the work needed to be done, because if you'd make me do anything that would require me to stand up again, that's already a form of sleep interruption for me, and you already know what could happen...haha
Haaay, my case used to be worse though...I valued sleep so much that I could skip meals for it; and whenever someone wakes me up because I fell asleep on the couch and wants me to transfer to the bedroom, or because they have something to ask from me, even though urgent (for them), I would really give them my crumpled face ALL-OUT. I remember Ate and I fought one time because my sleep was interrupted and she was asking me something but instead of just answering her, which is what I normally do:), I shouted at her (which is also among the things she hates the most). And when Micah had a problem with our printer early in the morning and she had to print a document she's supposed to pass in school that day, she didn't have the guts to wake me up so she had to ask Papa to wake me for her...haha...true enough, I got pissed but of course I still helped her...it may sound like a funny story but the fact that my own sister was afraid to wake me up made me realize that I have some serious 'don't you dare interrupt my sleep' problems. I'm not sure if I can do much about changing the way I feel, but I've been trying to really be cautious with what I say and do even when my emotions are raging inside me. I guess my id's strongest whenever my sleep gets interrupted- but it's supposed to be in those kind of situations, times when I'm weakest, that my character should show, and supposedly-Shine...With that recent fall out, it's now very clear to me that I still have a very looooong way to go...Jesus, help me...I definitely can't do this on my own; but with your grace, I am determined to try and do my best each time, for your glory...
My apologies to all the people who've had first hand experience of my wrath, I hope to do better next time, but please don't tempt me if you can avoid it, it'll save both of us the trouble:) meow
Monday, April 4, 2011
Always Love:)
Today, April 4th, marks the repose of the cat-hater....haha....my new title is up, a starking contrast of this site's former name...and it fits my blog better (I think), since all of my posts involve the things I love, God, my family and friends, inspirations, aspirations, and treasured experiences- all close to my heart. I've learned new tricks in MS Paint so my banner now is the fruit of my not so hard labor:)
I leave you all now with my inspiration- Nada Surf's Always Love
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love, Hate will get you every time
Always love, Don't wait 'til the finish line
Slow demands come 'round
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
It helps to write it down
Even when you then cross it out
But Always Love, Hate will get you every time
Always Love even when you want to fight
Self-directed lives
I want to know what it'd be like to
Aim so high above
Any card that has been dealt you
Always Love
Hate will get you every time
Always love
Hate will get you
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs.
You said
Hey, you good ones.
Hey, you good ones.
To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love hate will get you every time
Always love hate will get you
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs
You said..
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Cheers to all sons and daughters of God out there for striving to be 'good ones', no longer to be saved but to fulfill what we're basically destined to be; and to serve as living testaments of God's love to others. meow
Patty Love!! (not the burger:)
I'm so happeeee! Ms. Patty Laurel replied to my tweet:) I've sent a few others before but I didn't get any reply until I realized recently that my tweets were private:(...but putting all that in the past, I'm so thrilled to see her feedback because I've really been following her intently since last year. I came across her blog in the web one random afternoon because she was trending, and I fell in love with it at first sight and I never missed a post ever since. There was a time when I even signed in daily to check on updates on her blog, I'm really just such a loyal reader and fan : ) So to preserve this moment, here's a copy of our very short, yet heartwarming (for me at least) tweet exchange..

I felt bad (on a fan level) when I learned that she and Atom Araullo broke up recently. Their mature relationship was an inspiration to many, and four years, in an outsider's point of view, could be quite a waste. But I have no right to meddle, or even ask the question why; my feelings are my own, but so is their relationship. If I ever got anything from it, it was the stronger understanding that I did not become a loyal follower of pattylaurel because she was with Atom. Their relationship inspired me, but the persons involved are inspiring as well as individuals. Good things do come to an end, but it's always an opportunity to have something better, always with the hope that it's meant to last...
But more than being a loyal follower of her Oooh..Lala- which may be a guilty pleasure at times but certainly not a waste of my time (I've read it all, as in I backtracked on all her posts starting with the very first one), her influence to me has a greater, deeper, and more personal root because it was after reading some of her posts actually that I began to consider creating my own blog. I can't accurately quote her now because pattylaurel.blogspot.com is already closed for my referral, but what she said was something like 'such happiness/wonderful emotions were too precious to be bottled up inside'...In my case, I'm not yet too comfortable with sharing my stories/feelings/beliefs even to my friends and family but slowly, people are discovering my blog even without telling them about it. And I've just recently added it on my twitter profile because I'm promoting a website, and more because I don't have followers anyway..loser me..haha..but when I gather enough guts one day, I'll always have the -Patty Laurel- as my inspiration:) Thank you Miss Patty for sharing pieces of your mind, and your life with random people like me. I've always believed that coming across your blog and somehow knowing you through your stories, enough to consider you as one of my role models, was all part of the Big Guy's plan for me:) meow
To all of you asking about my blog and other things...please read this http://dapattylaurel.blogspot.com/ :) Maraming salamat! @atomaraullo
@pattylaurel our support all the way for you ms patty!!! May God bless you always in all your endeavors! just so excited for your new blog!
I felt bad (on a fan level) when I learned that she and Atom Araullo broke up recently. Their mature relationship was an inspiration to many, and four years, in an outsider's point of view, could be quite a waste. But I have no right to meddle, or even ask the question why; my feelings are my own, but so is their relationship. If I ever got anything from it, it was the stronger understanding that I did not become a loyal follower of pattylaurel because she was with Atom. Their relationship inspired me, but the persons involved are inspiring as well as individuals. Good things do come to an end, but it's always an opportunity to have something better, always with the hope that it's meant to last...
But more than being a loyal follower of her Oooh..Lala- which may be a guilty pleasure at times but certainly not a waste of my time (I've read it all, as in I backtracked on all her posts starting with the very first one), her influence to me has a greater, deeper, and more personal root because it was after reading some of her posts actually that I began to consider creating my own blog. I can't accurately quote her now because pattylaurel.blogspot.com is already closed for my referral, but what she said was something like 'such happiness/wonderful emotions were too precious to be bottled up inside'...In my case, I'm not yet too comfortable with sharing my stories/feelings/beliefs even to my friends and family but slowly, people are discovering my blog even without telling them about it. And I've just recently added it on my twitter profile because I'm promoting a website, and more because I don't have followers anyway..loser me..haha..but when I gather enough guts one day, I'll always have the -Patty Laurel- as my inspiration:) Thank you Miss Patty for sharing pieces of your mind, and your life with random people like me. I've always believed that coming across your blog and somehow knowing you through your stories, enough to consider you as one of my role models, was all part of the Big Guy's plan for me:) meow
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