Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Perfect Love

A lot of things have been going on in my mind lately, well all the time...haha...and it has not been all positive these past days. But I won't be sharing a piece of my not so inspiring and encouraging thoughts here because I want to maintain this blog  as a ball of positivity mainly for myself, and who knows, for others as well. It wasn't the case when I started, and I still have the urge to rant every now and then, but here's me training my mind with God's grace, to focus on happy thoughts, and to fight the unnecessary ones that do nothing but make me feel down.

So let me share with you my current life verse-

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...
1 John 4:18

Fears- I have many of them. I used to have more, weird ones included. When I was in 3rd year college, I was  already stressing myself on the 'need' to get married and have a baby at 28 in my desire to decrease my risk factors for having breast cancer. I was also a worrier then. My attitude then was I loved God and I trusted Him but what if...I mean, there's nothing wrong in taking precautions just to make sure...

It seemed the best way to go, especially for someone like me who has more Type A than Type B personality characteristics in many situations. Yes, I am sigurista- someone who avoids stress by ensuring that things are planned well. It's not for all situations but I'm like this with the serious stuff, medyo sumosobra nga lang minsan ...haha

But I thank God that his grace is sufficient and his love, overflowing, that He has and is continually guiding me in my faith journey. I don't know when exactly but one day (with lots of praying, Bible reading, hearing the Word in church, and encouragement from my small group/cell group), I just gave it all up. I surrendered all my  fears and worries to Him, and He gave me extraordinary peace and joy in return. He used a lot of people to bless me and teach me a lot of things (my Mama Susie and Mama Josie stand out among them) and I also have been rebuked and have shed buckets of tears in the process but I will never give up the joy that fills my heart now.

I'm a work in progress and I still have lots of fears, but whether they're understandable or unnecessary, I try not to make a big fuss of them anymore. In not so good days like yesterday, I know I could always turn to a good- the best God and allow His perfect unfaltering love to drive out all my fears; because though I can never be sure of so many things in my life, I can always hold on and gather strength in his unwavering promise and unconditional love for me.

I love you very much Lord!:) 

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