Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Surprise Surprise

I may not be feeling so well these past few days with lots of sneezing and a bit of sore throat but the gifts I got yesterday certainly made my day. I should have taken a picture of them (a complete meal tray and a bag of red eggs and tomatoes...haha), but we were  practically rolling all over the place from start to finish of our duty. I was so tired by the time I got home late in the evening but my heart's happy and content knowing that I did the best I could for the day, for all my patients. I had an overflow yesterday of appreciation from my patients, and from a personnel in our dietary department whose cut I cleaned and attended to a month ago. It really feels awesome to be given a gift you did not expect for services you've rendered, especially when all I ever wanted was to let the Lord's light shine through me. It's a frustration and a challenge for me to openly share about God to my patients, co-workers, and other people I encounter but yesterday was an affirmation that my simple efforts do not go unnoticed by the people I serve, and by God most of all.

As always, thank you Lord for pulling me through...It is only... truly by your grace that I get by each day. I promise to press on in letting others know You through what I say and do. I offer every  smile, every touch, and every kind word I say for your glory. I love you very much!

Your always striving to be good and faithful servant,


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