Tuesday, August 22, 2017

No Classes Thoughts

I've been up since 3:30am, to do a 2nd reading of the topics for our tests today, while also refreshing my Twitter feed in anticipation of No Classes announcement.

I have extra time to spare now so you know what happened (NO CLASSES!), yet I'm not sure about how I feel. I'm grateful for the extra time, but I also know that it's just borrowed time that will demand payment in the very near future. And and..I'm prepared for the tests! Even for the reporting..haha..

But thank you Lord because I know this is your answer to my prayer. I prayed for your will to be done, and I know that your will is always good and perfect.

Help me to make this a productive day to catch up on school stuff. And be patient with me as I learn to be more grateful in every circumstance. I just remember, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed yesterday with the bulk of what we're supposed to do. And now you're giving me time but I'm still not immediately happy.

Sorry po Lord. And thank you that in all things, You are in control!

Thank you for the continued healing! Aside from the smaller head bump and rare bouts of dizziness that do not make me lose my balance anymore, I'm back to my old self. But help me Lord to not go back to old unhealthy habits. Thank you and I love you! Good morning!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

It's been a tough first week in school Lord, not so much because of the bulk of what we're supposed to do (at least not yet), but more because of the headaches, the ringing and fullness of ears, some bouts of vertigo, and the fear that something might happen.

As you continue to heal me Lord, heal my heart too. I want to be brave again, while being careful and kind to myself at the same time. May this condition not lead me to be selfish, but may it teach me to to take things slow as well, and more importantly, may I learn what you've been trying to teach me in all these things.

I know you're patient with me Lord. Help me be patient with myself. May I not yield to the pressures around me, but always seek your will in prayer, and through your Word.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jesus, the Prince of Peace

I had a good cry last night.

Today marks one week after the unfortunate mishap that I had, and last night, I just broke down. I unintentionally did some of the things that should be avoided post-Epley maneuver and I felt that the vertigo was coming back so I did another Epley. School starts on Monday, and I was becoming impatient, optimistic that I would get better yet not sure when, and even more fearful that I missed something about my condition. My emotions were in a whirlwind, I couldn't sleep, I was uncomfortable with trying to sleep with my head at 45 degrees (almost sitting), and I was very afraid.

I didn't know what to do, and it was probably the Holy Spirit that made me decide out of the blue to listen to Hillsong United's Prince of Peace. And as I meditated on the lyrics, I knew I was struggling with wanting to have a control over my situation. I knew it was wrong, so in tears I asked the Lord for forgiveness, and surrendered all my fears to Jesus. I asked for His peace, and it was only after shedding much tears that I began to feel better.

And as I thanked the Lord for the freedom to come to Him even though I am not okay, He comforted me by making me realize that I need not be fully okay when I go back to school. Right now I still have that discomfort over my head though I can tolerate it. I still have bouts of positional vertigo though much less now and I can already maintain my balance. I'm not at my best, but it was as if Jesus is telling me that it's okay. He will supply what I need, not what I think I need, and I know it will be more than enough.

So in tears Lord I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for reminding me Zechariah 4:6. My strength, my peace, my joy, and my victory is in You; therefore, I shall not want. In my weakness, help me to be patient, and comfort me when I get overwhelmed with fear.

Thank you that I got to see a doctor today. I prayed that you lead me to a good one and you did. I'm now more at ease, knowing the things I should expect and observe. You've already hastened my recovery, help me be patient while remaining dependent on You.

Than you Jesus, my Prince of Peace.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Memories from OS 2017

This is a late upload because Zeyn (zeynafuang.com) posted the pictures more than a month ago already (except for the last photo which is c/o Nica). Thank you Lord for this experience, for the people who made this possible, for new friends, and for Zeyn's talent:)