Saturday morning was our schedule of practice for Sunday service the next day, and good for all of us, things went as planned. We were all well-prepared and there was harmony and camaraderie during the practice. It was after the practice that the problem came because when I checked my Motorola V3 immediately after I reached home, it was no longer working properly. There was just white background on the screen and when I tried to troubleshoot it by turning it off, it seemed I did more harm than good because I could no longer turn it on. My phone's old, that's a given fact, but it was still unexpected, especially when my Sony Ericsson K508i won't also charge. My SE K508i has been with me since 4th year high school, while my V3 was given to me when I was in 2nd year college, making them almost 10 and 4 years old respectively. I'm not really into cellphones, there are actually times when I forget to look at it for days, and I usually read and reply to messages I've received late. I only use it to contact my family especially Papa, to keep in touch with relatives and friends, and to address some personal/important matters. I consider cellphones as partly luxury and necessity, but that's also the reason why I make sure I take good care of them, and the years that they've been with me, working properly, is enough proof that I did a good job.
Back to the story, there was no way I could have it repaired immediately so Papa suggested that I buy a new phone with my savings, so it was decided that we would look for a phone the next day after the service. Later that night at 11 pm, I went for duty in the hospital. I was so confident that the 8 hours would just pass easily and that I would be able to go out on time because our census for our ward was only 16. But the most stressful thing happened when a few minutes after endorsement, the nurse supervisor came and asked me to lend a hand at the pediatric ward. I knew it would be toxic, and I've already forgotten about the possibility of having a break at the very least but I didn't expect that it would be very very stressful. First of all, I have never been to that ward; secondly, i didn't receive the endorsement, and i could go on citing all the other reasons but it would all boil down to the fact that I wasn't prepared. Actually, it wouldn't have been that stressful if I didn't have to rush home immediately after duty and prepare myself to lead the praise and worship at church. The job is after all, the same, but what I really wasn't open to was the possibility of extending. Nevertheless, I spent my 8 sleepless hours there, assisting patients, giving medications, etc. until it was already 7 am. I was done with all the medications but we still had to prepare the medications for the next shift. It wasn't the case in other wards but it seemed that it was necessary in the pedia ward. I was already feeling fidgety, trying to figure out how I would be able to prepare it all on time, and my stress level went up when the incoming nurse really ordered me to prepare all the medications before I get home. I've already informed my staff that I would have to exit at 7 am, explaining the prior engagement I'm committed to but I also couldn't just walk away because it was time, with all the work left unfinished. So there I extended, but only for 30 minutes, because although I had responsibility at work, I also have responsibility in the church; and I reasoned out to my pro-work conscience that perhaps I've already given so much help, given the fact that I wasn't really supposed to be there, and I've already explained my plight to my staff, and she understood, so I shouldn't be bothered with my decision to go. In fairness to me, I only left 6 medications unprepared, and I even followed up lab results before I went home. Thank God for the bus, the fast driver, and the tricycle that brought me home. I also had crackers in my bag and that was what I ate in the bus to save time. So there, I was able to prepare myself fast, and get to the church on time. I didn't have my much needed quiet time, prayer and bible reflection that morning due to obvious reasons but I knew in my heart that if God would ask if I have done my best to make it, to serve Him not just by serving in church but through my work as well, I can confidently face Him and say that 'I have done my best!'. And I'm also sure that He understood...
Thankfully, the service went us planned and I felt God's presence touch me that morning. I was frustrated at first, maybe because I was thinking so much of my limitations, but when I unburdened myself of it all, God's spirit filled me, and assured me that He is pleased with me. After the service we had lunch, then we went to San Fernando in search of my new phone. I got myself a new Sony Ericsson Elm and I'm so happy! Thank you Lord!
Afterwards we went to the grocery for our supplies, the drugstore for Papa's medicine and Micah's vitamins, the old market to buy scrub suit, and finally to Jollibee for Papa's pre-birthday treat for me! It's childish, I know, but I wasn't in the mood for fine dining, so another visit to my favorite branch was just the right one for me.
Then we went home and I spent the rest of the day discovering my phone's features. After taking a bath, my stomach ached and I knew it was colic so kailangan ko lang idapa. But instead of just relieving my stomach ache, I ended up sleeping, nakadapa and all. I guess it was my body's way of telling me to rest, to not overdo things, and basically to get some sleep:) The next day, after all, is another duty day for me and I need to be physically prepared to be able to provide the best care for my patients.
So after those stressful days, I would probably be cautious in agreeing to commitments but I can't really promise myself that I won't repeat it again. Because although I didn't welcome the stress, I was so proud of myself because I remained calm through it all, I was still able to do all that I had to do, not letting stress get in the way! So I guess my prayers and efforts for personality development are working. Thank you Lord for the patience, for the presence of mind, for the calmness, and for the strength that you have given me, and are continuously giving to endure all the challenges and stress that come my way! I'm becoming a better person each day, I can feel it! haha...thank you Lord once again! meow
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