Our church, Fairview Christian Fellowship, is currently on a sermon series on the book of Ephesians entitled, "WHY CHURCH? The Calling of the Church and Its Conduct in the World."
This morning's message on Ephesians 5:1-6 was delivered through Doc Lem Marasigan entitled "Walking in Love." If there's one thing about being a Christian that I cherish the most, it is the wonder of being loved by a great God unconditionally and wholeheartedly, despite my sins and iniquities that make me so undeserving of His love. Just the thought of it never fails to touch my heart and bring me to tears, and it is this realization that I will probably never grasp why, that makes me want to love God back all the days of my life. My purpose in life- to be a good and faithful servant, is based on this love. And another thing that's based on this love is this blog (*hence the title)...hehe
It is a difficult feat, because to love him is not just to say it or feel it, but to show it by walking in love-which is to imitate Him who is LOVE. Doc Lem gave different meanings to the typical WWJD or What Would Jesus Do and I'm writing it here to remind myself to always ask these questions, or take these actions as I do my best to walk in love for His glory.
- What Would Jesus Decide?
- What Would Jesus Desire?
- What Would Jesus Demand of me?
- Where Would Jesus Devote His Resources?
- Who Would Jesus want me to Disciple?
Our Response: WWJD!
- Wake up With Jesus Daily!
- Worship With Jesus Daily!
- meditate on God's Word With Jesus Daily!
- Watch and pray With Jesus Daily!
- Write With Jesus Daily! (journal)
- Walk With Jesus Daily!
- Walk the Way Jesus Did!
- Work/study With Jesus Daily!
- Wait With Jesus Diligently!
- Withdraw With Jesus Deliberately! (retreat...I hope to execute my plans for this during the semestral break:)
- War With Jesus Daily! (against the world, Satan, and self)
This also fits my current reflection on John 21:15-17 where Jesus asked Peter three (3) times, "Do you love me?" I saw it as Jesus, vindicating Peter from his sin and guilt when he denied Him (Jesus) three times in the past when He was being persecuted. But on Peter's part, I think it was Jesus' way of making Peter realize how deeply He loved Jesus, and how he has been transformed from a follower, to a true lover of Jesus. Jesus further showed us the model by which we can show Him our love- by being true and faithful in fulfilling His Great Commission.
I think it is important to take note and to always remember however, that loving God is always the first and main priority, and our ministry and service is our way of showing our love to Him. Our service should never interfere with our communion and loving relationship with God, and this is what I try to carefully avoid as I walk with Him.
Thank you Father for your extreme, overflowing, and amazing love that saved me from all my sins and gave me purpose and eternal hope for what is to come. Thank you for allowing me to grasp and experience this unfathomable love that now gives life and meaning to my existence here in this world. To live a life worthy of your calling is difficult, but each time I remember your LOVE displayed in all its limitless glory when you gave your only Son Jesus to die for the salvation of mankind, I am moved to keep on trying, not by my own might but by the power of your Holy Spirit who lives in me; never in an attempt to match your love, but always as a humble offering of my thanksgiving and love for you...naiiyak na naman ako..haha..
I love you with all I am! Thank you for the privilege of knowing and experiencing this wonderful kind of love that can only come from You!:) May you continue to transform me each day, that I may more and more be a living testimony of your love to others...
Much Looooove,
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