Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Insights and Miracles

I would've just marveled at how amazing are God's miracles in my life today (everyday actually) but I've got some insights I would like to be reminded of in the future so here I go...

I downloaded a lot of files at work today and after one particular download, just as when my day at the office was about to end, my antivirus software alerted that it caught a virus. It further recommended that I restart my laptop to completely eliminate the virus. So I did...and after the restart it prompted me to choose from a list of actions and I chose 'Fix Errors'. My laptop took its time until it just died on me...(so much for fixing errors..huhu)

Thinking it was a case of low battery, I charged it then turned it on again except that this time, the system won't start up. I got lights on my keyboard but nothing on my screen. To troubleshoot, I tried to force shutdown then restarted it again but to no avail. I was beginning to get worried because I'm currently doing a lot of things in my laptop and losing the files or be delayed at the very least would cause me serious problems. Thank God for wisdom that made me think of consulting our tech staff about the problem.

He immediately agreed to check my laptop afterwhich he asked me what happened. His explanation as to why my laptop crashed matched with the final things I encountered before the unfortunate incident so I was already asking him about our options.

He had just told me that we must first attempt to back up all the files when he suddenly thought of removing the battery and only rely on the power supply through the charger...when voila, my OS resurrected from what seemed to be a few minutes of cardiac arrest...hehe

He told me my battery must have been empty but I charged it so it was not a possibility. True enough when he reinstalled the battery, my laptop said it had 20% battery life. So I immediately told Sir Franz that it was actually God helping me because He knows that I have to do a lot of things with my laptop. So praise God for the miracle!

Now on to my insights, the miracle within me was that I didn't worry too much. Even when the tech said that we have to reformat my laptop, I immediately asked about how long would it take and if he'd be willing to do it. I was praying for a miracle, but I was also sure that if God would allow some problems with my laptop, He would also help me find the perfect solutions for them. Hooray for faith exercises!

So I say thank you Lord for always saving me..and for increasing my faith little by little, enabling me to show grace under pressure in usually anxiety-stimulating situations..hehe..I'm sorry if I haven't gotten to having full security in You in all things yet, but please be patient with me as I allow myself to be transformed by your amazing power. May I be sensitive to your miracles each day that I would develop my gratefulness and faith in you, our one true God, more and more.

Love you!

, Katy

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