Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I could sing of your love forever

Here's my song of the week...or more like song of the month.
This was one of my song choices when I was tasked to lead worship in church 3 weeks ago but I couldn't seem to make it fit...then. I'm once again privileged to lead worship this week and this is included in my song lineup though not exactly this version.
This song would always be one of my favorites and I like all versions but this is the first time I got to listen to this one and I just couldn't help but smile- which I do whenever I hear music that I really really like, not so much in a teary-eyed way.
Thank you Lord for creating music, for speaking to our hearts through it, and for not limiting the ways by which we could sing for you. I'll always strive to be better, not so I would sound better to anybody else but YOU! With your grace, I hope to sing of your love forever!

I'll  make a mental note to have Ate Angel and Micah listen to this as well. Ate will surely love all the ad-libs...haha

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 and my best new year resolve to date:)

I'm a few months late for a New Year Resolve but I've already been doing it in the past weeks so just to make it legit, here's my written commitment:

This 2013, I resolve to be an Inspiration and Encouragement to others, and to shed a glimpse of God's love to people I encounter the best way I can.

I do it every now and then actually- sharing words of encouragement, giving a simple gift, expressing my gratefulness, lending a hand, and showing my appreciation, especially for people I like; but this year, without being biased, I pray that God would give me the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the sensitivity to His Spirit and to the needs of His children. Further, may I have the courage to go past beyond my shyness, and the strength to overcome personal obstacles, that I may boldly and gladly be a channel of blessing to His children thru the opportunities He has given me.

I've done it before and just today, I randomly left a comment to an old classmate's sad status update, and sent an email to a random blogger I've been following, who seem to be going through a tough time. It feels really great! I am hoping for replies, not for my credit but for God's glory, but even if I don't get them, I know that God is already glorified knowing that I am doing my best to let His light shine in my life.

To my credit, I think this is my best New Year Resolve to date...haha...and if it's any indication, thank you Lord for making me more and more like you each day. I know I'm still a million miles away, but with your Spirit living in me, may I never get tired of trying, never trusting in my own abilities and always holding on to your promise that 'I can do all things through thee who gives me strength.'