Saturday, June 1, 2013

As I Wait on You

Beginning this year, June 1 will always be a memorable day for me as today marks my appointment as Nurse 1...woohoo!

It probably seems like a small achievement to some, but for me, it is a testament of God's goodness and faithfulness in fulfilling his promises and wonderful plans for me. Recalling my previous posts more than a year ago, I would oftentimes talk about losing heart and turning to God for strength and courage to wait on him whenever I felt that life wasn't fair especially relating to this job of mine. But as I sat there at the conference room, answering questions from the interview panel just a day after celebrating my first anniversary as Nurse 1-Job Order, my  heart was overflowing with so much joy and gratefulness, knowing that it is only through God's grace and favor that I got this far. I look at those seated beside me, at nurses whom I consider as senior colleagues, having seen them during my training days 2-3 years ago and I marvel at how much I am loved by the Big Guy upstairs:)

They say 'Ang galing galing mo naman.', but I proudly said during the interview that I am so grateful, and the glory is God's for this opportunity he has given me. As 1 Cor 1:31 says,

Therefore, as it is written: "Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."

So I say thank you Lord for giving me knowledge, wisdom, and strength each day, and for pulling me through every duty miraculously with little to zero mishap..haha..Thank you for providing me with opportunities to let your line shine brighter through me; and for my supportive immediately family, workmates, and friends who prayed for me and understood my lapses whenever I lacked sleep. And thank you for your perfect timing!!!

I am anticipating, and am somewhat worried of changes to come but I am more excited this time, knowing that wherever you will lead me, you will be with me, and will take care of me. 

I love you Jesus!